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выбрать правильный ответ I …….. my friend very often.
a. visit
b. visited
c. to visit
2. ……… he do his homework every day?
a. did
b. do
c. does
3. She ……. always in a good mood.
a. was
b. is
c. has
4. She …… a big family.
a. is
b. have
c. has
5. I ……. reading now.
a. be
b. am
c. is
6. As a rule, she likes coffee, but now she ……. tea.
a. drinks
b. drink
c. is drinking
7. Yesterday, he ……. for a walk.
a. went
b. go
c. gone
8. They …… in all Europe countries last summer.
a. been
b. were
c. was
9. We ……. football at 5 o’clock yesterday.
a. were watching
b. watched
c. had watched
10. My cousin …… next week.
a. returns
b. will return
c. to go to return
11. ……. your mother …… a holiday dinner tomorrow?
a. shall cook
b. does cook
c. will cook
12. There is ……. juice in the cup.
a. some
b. any
c. a little
13. …….. there …. chairs in the room?
a. is, some
b. are, any
c. be, any
14. I spent ……. very interesting holiday with my family.
a. the
b. ---
c. a
15. What is ……. longest river in the world?
d. the
e. a
f. ---
16. It is ……. tallest tower in this city.
a. a
b. the
c. ---
17. …….. girl is very beautiful.
a. this
b. these
c. it
18. He never goes ……. car, he always goes …….. foot.
a. by, at
b. at, on
c. by, on
19. My best friend is good ……..
a. at swimming
b. in swimming
c. on swimming
20. My grandmother is fond …….. gardening.
a. about
b. of
c. in
21. This bus left …..
a. in time
b. on time
c. at time
22. Do you ……… to do this exercise?
a. should
b. need
c. might
23. This film is ………. than the book.
a. the most interesting
b. more interesting
c. interesting
24. I am ……….. football player.
a. bad
b. worse
c. the worst
25. They told us they ……… to the concert.
a. are going
b. was going
c. were going
26. We ………. the presents for his birthday.
a. just have chosen
b. have just chosen
c. has just chosen
27. This building ………. next week.
a. will be destroyed
b. be destroyed
c. are destroyed
28. She wants ………. to the party.
a. to be invited
b. to invite
c. invited
29. I will call you if you ………. me your number.
a. give
b. gave
c. will give
30. You would be able to know English well, if you ……… a lot.
a. worked
b. had worked
c. have worked

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:1. b

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. c

7. a

8. b

9. b

10. b

11. c

12. a

13. b

14. b

15. d

16. b

17. a

18. c

19. a

20. b

21. a

22. b

23. b

24. c

25. c

26. a

27. a

28. a

29. a

30. c


His bike was stolen some days ago.

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