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Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).
1. If I had known it was a secret, I … (not/tell) anyone.
2. If I were you, I … (stop) smoking.
3. If you put water in the freezer, it … (become) ice.
4. If they play well, they … (win) the match.
5. If I … (earn) more money, I would buy my parents a really big house!
6. Water … (boil) if you heat it to 100 C.
7. We … (go) to the park if it hadn’t rained.
8. If you invite Mike, I … ( not/come) with you.
9. If I had more time, I … ( take) karate lessons.
10. If you … ( not/water) the plants, they die.

3. Match to form compound adjectives
1.old a. looking
2.kind b. built
3. good c. hearted
4. open d. minded
5. newly e. fashioned

4. Fill in the correct word
1. I am totally … favour of contact sports.
2. These golf clubs are … excellent condition.
3. Are there bikes … hire in this city?
4. Andriy Shevchenko fit to play Manchester Rivals … the title!

5. Fill in: to, up, off, after.
1. Take ____your jacket and put it in the washing machine.
2. Clara is very smart. I think she takes ____ her dad.
3. My new hobby takes ____ most of my free time.
4. Since you have so much time, why do not you take ____ football.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Computers are the greatest invention of  the 20 th century. remember first computer. what’s the magic? – said people. how people were surprised.  this gadget caught on(popular) first half of 20 th century.     nowdays, computers become indispensable part of our life. it doesn’t pass a day without using computer. of course personal computer have good pluses and big minuses.   on the one hand , computer is universal thing. it ‘s combines a lot of other gadgets such as stereo , tv.  you can watch films, listen music and show pictures. you also use it for your homework, for example preparing your document about health.      on the other hand, this “superman in our days” have big disadvantages, for example with your health. the most popular is problems with eyes, obesity. if you don’t stop in time, you will lose your health at short time.  it’s about time. however, if you want to buy computer, you must be extremely careful. know about useful programs and other important things. for example, anti-virus or internet. your computer will become the all-powerful box, which make us the slaves.        my family use comp.everyday for different purpose.  main goals are download music, watch film and do some homework. i think, internet will be popular, too. but don’t forget that internet is separate topic, which have got minuses and  pluses. in my opinion, the internet and the computer go on an equal basis with each other.

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