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1) He tied his dog up to prevent it _ running away.
2) I came _ a very old painting in an antique shop last weekend.
3) I joined the gym in _ to keep fit.
4) My brother _ his bike to school every morning.
5) David has _ been to Paris. He knows the city very well. ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) something in the fridge is giving off a horrible smell. 2) i’m thinkig of giving up fatty foods. 3) i give up. what's the answer? 4) have you given back the book you borrowed from zoe? 5) i'm giving away my recipe books to john. he needs them more than i do. 1) i advise you against going on a crash diet. 2) peter is recovering from the full. 3)jane seems to be able to cope with anything! 4) crash dieting can result in health problems. 5) john has only just recovered from his illness.

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