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We have a lot of holidays in Kazakhstan : New year, Womens day, Childrens day send etc. Best of all I like Navruz.

Residents of Kazakhstan celebrate Navruz spring renewal holiday on March 21

Ever since ancient times, large festivities, festive bazaars, horse races, dog and cock fights were held in Navruz in Kazakhstan. Many traditions have survived to this day.

The main among the customs of celebrating Navruz in Kazakhstan is the New Year's treat “sumalak” - a dish prepared on a wood fire from flour and sprouted wheat grains, sometimes with spices. Sprouted grain symbolizes life, warmth, abundance and health.

We usually celebrate it in the family. We invite grandparents and share food

I like this holiday because it is very beautiful and friendly

1. Do all the family go for a walk in the evening? 2. Jane doesn'tplay the violin briantly. 3. Are They working on their project at the moment.?4. The Jacksons didn't stay in a luxurious hotel. 5. Did He have a little house in a village?

1. ….. Tom and Bob good football players? c) are 2. They ……………….a new car. c) have 3. …………… money do you have? a) How much b) How many c) How 4 1. ….. Tom and Bob good football players? a) am b) is c) are 2. They ……………….a new car. a) has got b) has c) have 3. …………… money do you have? a) How much 4. My sister …………… two foreign languages. b) speaks 5. The seminar starts …. 10 o’clock. b) at 6. Go …… the blackboard, please! a) to 7. Diana …………… to the party tomorrow. b) is coming 8. Mary ……….. tennis two days ago. a) played 9. I’m glad he looks …………. today. c) happier 10. My flat ………. very modern. b) is 11. John ……….. his granny three times a week. a) visits 12. We ………… hard this week because of the exam. b) are studying 13. My favourite side dish is mashed …………. . c) potatoes 14. Her grandparents live in the country and have a lot of ………….. . a) sheep 15. ………… bag is it? Maria’s? c) whose 16. There is …………. to do here. I lie on the bed all day. c) nothing 17. Ben doesn’t like very sweet tea. He usually puts ………… sugar in it. a) little 18. Would you like …………… to read on the train? a) something 19. I wanted to talk to Sarah and sat down …………. her. b) next to 20. It is my ………… time here. c) twelfth 21. She is ………. player in the team. a) the strongest 22. She is as …………. in Maths as her sister. a) better 23. He can’t talk to you now. He ………….. a shower. b) is taking 24. I ………… you now even more than before. b) love 25. George arrived in Moscow ……… . a) two days ago 26. We ……….. a dictation yesterday. b) didn’t write 27. There ………...... a lot of milk in the fridge. c) is 28. There ………. six desks in the classroom. a) are 29. My brother ………… near our house c) doesn’t live 30. I’d like to ………… karate. c) play ,


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