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Образуйте Participle I or Participle II от глаголов в скобках.
1. It was a very (exhaust) ___________day.
2. The (expect) __________results have been achieved.
3. Barbara’s (bore) ___________ look evidently showed she didn’t like the performance.
4. (Lose) ___________ friendship can be renewed.
5. The doctor (write) _________ out a prescription for my cousin is Mr Lenox.
6. The travelers (exhaust) ___________ by their trip could hardly move their arms and legs.
7. You can’t use prescriptions (write) ___________ out two years ago to buy medicine now.
8. (Love) ___________ parents are absolutely necessary for teenagers.
9. The listeners (bore) __________by the chairman’s very long speech nearly fell asleep.
10. Not all the riddles (solve) _________ were done in the appropriate way.
11. I would say 75 dollars is the (sell) ___________ price for this product.
12. The (explore) __________ territory was vast and uninhabited.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.hate-hates 2.close-closes 3.sit-sits

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