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The control-reading for the 5th form pupils

I. Read the text and do the tasks.
My friend.
My best friend's name is Susan. She is twelve years old. We live in the neighbouring houses and play in the same yard. We are classmates. So we can see each other every day,
Susan is a slim and pretty girl. She is not very tall. She has got long dark curly hair, blue eyes and a straight nose. Susan is kind and careful. She is always ready to help me if I need it. She is very good at Maths, so we often do our homework in Maths together.
Susan is always honest with her parents, teachers and friends. She loves animals. There is a cat in her house and Susan takes care of him.
We spend a lot of time together. We go to school and come back home together; we go to the cinema at the weekend together, too. In the evening, we often phone each other. I am happy that I have got such a nice friend as Susan.
1. Fill in the gaps.
a) We live in the________________houses.
b) We____________ in the same yard.
c) Susan is ready_______________me if I need it.
d) She is____________with parents, teachers and friends.
e) She____________care of her cat.
f) We go to the________________at the weekend.
g) We phone each other in the___________________
2. Correct the sentences.
1. Susan is ten years old.
2. She has got short fair hair.
3. Susan is good at Biology.
4. She has got a parrot as a pet.
5. The girls never go to school together.
6. At the weekend the girls go to the swimming pool together.

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