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This text deals with …

1. Dangerous shoes.

2. Following the rules.

3. Angry shoppers.

4. New fashion.

5. Dress rules.

6. Wear in special areas.

A. A new kind of training shoes, with wheels in the heel, are in fashion in Wales. Many teenagers asked for them at Christmas. But the manager of the St Andrew`s Shopping Centre in Liverpool says the shoes, called ‘Heelies’, are dangerous. He says kids in ‘Heelies’ can’t enter the mall. They must take them off and walk around in their socks.

B. The manager, Gilmour Johnes, thinks there is a safety problem. Teenagers with these shoes could break a shop window or knock down an older customer. Mr. Johnes says that the rule against wheels is not new. ‘For many years we have had the rules against using rollerblades or skateboards in the centre.’

C. Many other malls also have specific dress rules for teenagers. In the USA, some malls have rules about wearing baseball caps. You mustn’t wear your cap to the side — the cap must be straight, and you mustn’t wear it low over your face. The security camera must be able to see your face.

D. Many of these rules are to stop big groups of teenagers getting in the way of shoppers. Groups of kids sometimes stand on the stairs or in the doors and customers can’t pass. Some shoppers are afraid of large groups of noisy teenagers. One mall manager said, ‘We are here to sell. If you don’t want to buy, we don’t want you here.’

E. However, the problem with ‘Heely’ shoes is not just the feelings of other shoppers. There is a real safety problem — these shoes can be dangerous. The company that makes them tells users not to wear them in crowded places.

Задание 2. Грамматика

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My Secretary

Rose is beautiful, smart and kind. She has a bigger heart than anyone I A____ . She does her job very well, everything B____ on time, but my love for Rose doesn`t depend on that job. I love her because she C____ on my side ever since we first met a year ago. She D____ about me. When I was a young man, I thought that one day I E____ a writer. Rose makes me believe that if I work hard, my dream will come true. She expects me to become a great writer. Right now she is typing the book which I have been writing for three years already.

A 1) have ever known 2) has ever known 3) know 4) knows

B 1) is organized 2) organized 3) organizes 4) is organizing

C 1) have always been 2) has always been 3) is always 4) was always

D 1) care 2) cared 3) cares 4) is caring

E 1) becomes 2) will become 3) become 4) Would become

Задание 3. Лексика

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British teenagers

British teenagers are so keen — to become (A)____ that almost one in ten would abandon their (B)____ if they had the opportunity to appear on television. Footballers and Hollywood stars were among their role models. Most British teenagers believe that becoming famous is a great chance to become wealthy without skills or (C)____ . Daryll Rose, who is 16, dreams of becoming rich and famous as a footballer. I would love to be rich,’ he said. I am an (D)____ boy and I work hard. Everything seems easy when you are famous.’ Daryll accepts the (E)____ of education. But he doesn’t believe that education and a steady career will help him to have the lifestyle that he dreams of.

1. celebrities; 2. education; 3. ambitious; 4. qualifications; 5. importance.

и гляньте мой во решите кто разбирается в алгебре 7 класса

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