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2 Choose the right answer.
1 He …. (live) in the country side since last Saturday.
a) lived b) has lived c) has been living
2 If the weather …. (be) fine tomorrow, I … (go) to the cinema.
a) is/ are going b) be/go c) is/will go
3 I … (see) him in the hall an hour ago.
a) saw b) seed c) have see
4 After breakfast Peter usually … (go) to the college.
a) goes b) go c) is going
5 How often … the students … (speak) English?
a) does…speak b) do…speak c) are…speaking
6 When I … (come) to the party last night everybody … (dance).
a) come/ are dancing b) came /was dancing
7 At 7 p.m. yesterday the boys … (do) their homework as their mother …. (cook) dinner.
a) were doing … was cooking b) were doing … cooked
8 He … (not call) me since last Monday.
a) hasn’t called b) didn’t call c) didn’t call
9 Where’s Pete? She … (wait) for him for half an hour.
a) has waited b) waited c) has been waiting
10 Two weeks ago we ….. the capital of Wales, Cardiff.
a) visit b) are visiting c) visited
11 What …. you … tonight?a) are doing b) did do c) do do
12 There … a lot of people at yesterday’s concert.
a) were b) was c) will be
13 Vic has a …. (good) room than me.
a) better b) best c) more good

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ответ:Hello My name is:your name. I am from Moskow in Russia. I live in the rich city.Moskow very beatiful city. Russia is could and snow. Towrists Come to Moskow to visit tasty food and beatiful town. Russia loves towrists.


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