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5) Make a list of five small ways people could be more active and write about their importance. Составьте список из пяти небольших которыми люди могут быть более активными, и напишите об их важности.

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Язык-главное изобретения человека.Общение бало бы невозможным без букв и слов.Никакие технологии и многие изобретения не были бы придуманны,если бы не речь.

Печатный станок Гутенберга.До его изобретения,книги приходилось писать и переписывать.Скорее всего,если бы не этот станок,то грамотна была бы малая часть населения,так как рукописные книги были дороги и не все могли их позволить себе.

14 февраля 1876 Грехем Белл изобрел телефон.

Language is the main invention of man.Communication would be impossible without letters and words.No technology and many inventions would have been invented if not for speech.

The printing press of Gutenberg.Before its invention,books had to be written and rewritten.Most likely,if not for this machine,a small part of the population would be literate, since handwritten books were expensive and not everyone could afford them.

On February 14, 1876, Graham bell invented the telephone.


"monster" i loved it! explicit scenes are necessary, they do show the character of oli. and how much are they outright? what's so even we old bags don't know, not to mention young people. take "master and margarita" is this a novel you can imagine without a ball satan? and what is pornography? each time the work catherine amaze me more and more. they take me for a living. maybe funny but i'm crying. here the theme of the relations between parents and children famously shown. olin and daddy and olga turned out very live, real thing. generally all actors. i had problems with my daughter, very serious, and in katya's works i find the answers to their questions. good for her, god it just on the forehead, kissed at birth. you can't teach in any institute, talent inside her. i have a nose for good literature, i would humbly silent, if not liked.heroes have passed the tests of life. olya understood through suffering, through pain, through humiliation, that in life there is something greater than the self "great" feelings, what our emotions are our enemies rather than friends that they are destroying us, destroying our lives, are forced to betray your closest and dearest people. we cease to be people, "big and bright love", if it affects loved ones, in the end it may be the "monster" in the truest sense of the word. so touched by the pain her father, she just felt physically, his resentment, his feeling that he had betrayed the native people, and for what? as he could not go to ola, when she crawled out of the last forces to him for help. is life it does not happen that we because of their offense not come to the aid of their own children. and all that our heroes have overcome. the last scene is just class.

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