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Тест по английскому. Надо было составить предложения, с конструкцией "сложное дополнение" подчеркнуть саму конструкцию. Я это сделала, учительница сказала, что конструкции у меня правильные, но, в то же время, у меня есть 3 одинаковые ошибки. Какие?
(Мой вариант конструкций в предложениях обозначен в *)
1.The teacher'd like * Allison to bake cakes * for a sweet and cake sale.
2.The classmates need * Alex to make * a poster about different charities.
3.Linda want * Denis to organise * a charity consert.
4.The teachers let * the schoolchildren have * a non-uniform day.
5.The school ask * the sponsors to donate * money.
6.The charity fair make * the schoolchildren think * about those in need.

Надеюсь, вы поняли, что я имею в виду.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. I have never been to London

2. When did she bring you the textbook?

3. Yesterday they took part in the competition

4. While I played the piano, my brother played the violin

5. This castle was built in the 12th century

6. This school will be built by September

7. The letter was written yesterday at seven o'clock

8. Do not make noise, students of the ninth grade are writing an essay

9. His father said that he worked at this factory

10. What movie did you watch in the cinema yesterday?


Популярно: Английский язык