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Задание.Выберите of или from и дополните предложения.
1.The castle is made______ stone. 2.What is butter made _______ ?
3.Tables are usually made ______ wood. 3.Money is made ______ paper.
5.We made this juice _______ oranges. 6.The boat was made ______ rubber.

2 Задание.Выберите правильное слово и дополните предложение.
1. Tanya was speaking English fluent/fluently.
2. The salad tasted good/well, it was made from vegetables.
3. Helen looked happy/happily as she got a good/well mark.
4. The weather seemed nice/nicely and we went to the park.
5. The air smelt bad/badly.
6. Jane swims professional/professionally.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Countable: coffee, leaf, computer, list, job, work, language, country, money, permit, beach, weather, window, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scene, pigeon, mountain, kick, accident (но кое-какие ещё могут быть и исчисляемыми и исчисляемыми) uncountable: furniture, coffee, food, blood, job, work,  advice, information, money, progress, permission, baggage, luggage, traffic, weather, knowledge, air, water, damage, accommodation, scenery, bread, news, laugh, laughter  (25, но  неисчисляемыми могут быть и большее количество)

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