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Exercises Choose the more likely variant. Explain your choice. 1. You needn’t / don’t need to close the door. I'm just going out. 2. In most developed countries people needn’t / don't need to boil water before they drink it. 3. Lynn has agreed to organize the party, so she said that the rest of us needn't /don't need to do anything. 4. I've brought the car, so you needn't/ don't need to carry your bags to the station. 5. You needn't / don't need to have any qualifications to be a politician. 6. Now that it has been eradicated, doctors needn't / don't need to vaccinate against smallpox. 7. You needn't / don't need to go to the supermarket. I went shopping earlier. 8. In many countries you needn't / don't need to pay to use public libraries. 9. There‟ll be a handout at the end of the lecture so you needn’t / don't need to take notes. 10. You needn’t / don’t need to have a university degree to become a police officer.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ее духи пахнут лилией. 1. her perfume smell like a lily. 2. люди говорят, что она выглядит как софи лорен. 2. people say she looks like sophia loren. 3. отец ника работает почтальоном. 3. nick's father worked as a postman. 4. как обычно, джон опоздал на работу. 4. as usual, john was late for work 5. молли не поет так хорошо, как ее сестра. 5. molly does not sing as good as her sister. 6. я не думаю, что ты можешь описать лео, как вежливого человека. 6. i do not think you can describe leo as a polite person. 7. некоторые спортсмены, такие как марат сафин, всегда в новостях. 7. some athletes, such as marat safin, is always in the news.

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