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He isn't working, he is watching the TV programme.Do you know what time we arrive at the frontier?My elder sister is having a music lesson. She always has a music lesson on Friday.Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.Why you are walking so fast today? You usually walk quite slowly. I'm hurrying. I am afraid to miss to miss the train.Father is reading a newspaper. he usually reads something before going to bed.He is taking his English lesson; he always takes this lesson in the morning.I now that he is leaving for the village tomorrow.What is you reading now? I am reading stories by W. S. Maugham.Mother is cocking breakfast in the kitchen. She always cocks in the morning.Where is John? He is preparing his lesson; he usually prepares it at this time.I cant' fetch you because I no longer have my car. I am selling it tomorrow.Why are you speaking so fast? You are making a lot of mistakes.Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for Ann, we must leave in ten minutes.I amn't understanding your remark.The next plane is leaving Salt Lake at six o'clock. You can catch it yet.Go and see what the children are doing.Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for my sister.Loren is returning from his honeymoon tomorrow and I'd line to see him before the meeting on Friday.Aren't going out, it rains heavily.You know that we need hundreds of thousands and even millions of skilled workers.Do you understand the use of the Present Indefinite quite well?Cuckoos don't build nests. They use the nests of other birds.Do you usually go through the park? Not usually, it's only today that I am going here.


Because of English.

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