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1.Putting the text in your own words is……….
A) paraphrasing B) relative clause C) plagiarism D) pronouns
2.Can you give me back the book…………. I lent you last month.
A) which B) who C) whom D) where
3.Connected with education, especially studying in schools and universities is……….
A) memory B) academic C) process D) ability
4.Find the author of this speech: “I will study and get ready, and perhaps my chance will come.”
A) Daniel Defoe B) George Burch C) Abraham Lincoln D) Mark Twain
5.Find the adjective form of the word: “memory”
A) memority B) memorandum C) memorable D) memorize
6……………. is impossible to believe.
A) incredible B) target C) self-assessment D) compliment
7. A successful attempt at scoring is a………….
A) goal B) evaluation C) education D) mark
8.She …………… in London for three years.
A) lived B) hasn’t lived C) didn’t live D) hadn’t live
9. It is connected with the mind.
A) judge B) social C) mentally D) prevent
10.Find the verb form of the word “considerable”
A) consir B) considerate C) consist D) consider
11.Find the synonym of the word: important.
A) integral B) involve C) benefit D) essential
12.Find the kinds of feedback.
A) constructive B) appreciation C) defensive D) impact
13.Find the author of this speech: “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”
A)Abraham Lincoln B) Bill Gates C) Daniel Defoe D) Agatha Christie
14.She ………………… here since 2004.
A) has being B) didn’t live C) hasn’t been working D) hadn’t
15.Find the noun form of the word:” evaluate”
A) evaluated B) evaluative C) evasion D) evaluation
16.The student, who has lessons online is …………….
A) concept leaner B) advice C) structure D) a distance leaner
17.Find the synonym of the word: “timetable”
A) session B) schedule C) highlight D) intensive
18.Having the ability necessary for doing something is ………….
A) capable B) perspective C) adjust D) goal
19. …………… is a person who presents for an audience in a show, concert.
A) principal B) skill C) performer D) lecturer
20.Find the noun form of the word “suggest”.
A) suggestion B) suggested C) suggestable D) suggestive


21.Why/he/study/IT technologies/does?

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