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Итоговая работа

по английскому языку

ученика (цы) 6 Б класса

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Итоговая контрольная работа за 6 класс Spotlight 6

Задание 1. Напечатайте слова с недостающими буквами и переведите их (слова на темы: продукты, типы жилья, мебель).

1. S_gar -

2. P_p_er -

3. C_rr_t -

4. Y_gh_rt -

5. B_scu_t -

6. A_mch_ir -

7. Pa_n_tin _-

8. Co_ta_e -

9. Bl_ck of f__ts -

10. Pa_a_e -

__ /10

Задание 2. Выберете правильный ответ. Выделите другим цветом ответ. (Тема: исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные стр. GR6 по модулю 9).

1) Have you got ______________ friends?

A many B much C a lot of

2) There are _________________ people in the room.

A much B a little C a lot of

3) Can I have _____________ sugar, please?

A a few B a little C a lot of

4) How _____________ oranges are on the table?

A many B a few C much

5 )How _______________ money has Fred got?

A much B a lot of C many

6) There are _______________ monkeys at the zoo.

A much B a few C a little

7) There are ____________ chairs in the room.

A a little B much C a few

8) There is ____________ tuna in the tin.

A much B a few C a little

9) Please, buy __________ cucumbers!

A a little B many C a few

10) We don’t need ________ eggs.

A much B a little C a lot of

__ /10

Задание 3. Раскройте скобки и напечатайте предложения, выбрав правильное время (вспоминаем Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple стр. GR3-5 модулей 4,5,6)

1. Yesterday we (to play) football together.

2. He (not to speak) English every day.

3. You always (to skate) in the park?

4. Look! She (to sing) a beautiful song now.

5. We (to read) books now?

__ /15 (по 3 балла за 1 предложение)

Задание 4. Прочитайте текст.

The cat and the mice.

Once upon a time ten mice lived in a house. A cat also lived in the same house. The mice weren’t happy. The cat wasn’t happy either. The mice wanted to eat cheese at the kitchen, the cat wanted to eat these mice. They weren’t friends. You know that cats don’t like mice.

One day the mice decided to do something about it. They had many plans and ideas but no one of these plans was good. They didn’t want to kill the cat, they just wanted to have cheese for dinner every day.

At last they decided: “We must hang a bell around the cat’s neck. If the cat comes, we can run away because we can hear the cat” The mice were happy. But one very old mouse asked: “Who can put the bell on the cat’s neck?” Nobody answered. No mouse was brave enough to do that.

Напечатайте предложения TRUE(+) or FALSE (-) исходя из прочитанного.

1. The mice and the cat lived in the same house._____

2. The mice and the cat were not happy._____

3. Mice liked cheese. _____

4. Cats liked mice. _____

5. The mice wanted to eat the mice. _____

6. The mice decided to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____

7. An old mouse was brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____

8. The mice were not brave enough to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. _____

__ /8


От 43 до 35 (от 100-82%) «5»

от 34 до 25 (от 81 до 60%) «4»

от 24 до 13 (от 60 до 30%) «3»

< 12 (30%) «2»

Кто решит 150р на киви

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1)  husband 2)  wife 3)  friend

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