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(A) Typically, when our lungs aren’t working properly, our hearts (1-to have) to work even harder and elderly people (2-to be) more likely to have heart conditions, such as 1 _________. A lot of the elderly people that are admitted to hospital are dying from heart attacks and others develop 2________ respiratory distress syndrome, an acute lung injury that is also causing many of the deaths.
(B) While most people will survive COVID-19, unfortunately, not everyone can 3_______ the best care right now. Although our health services (3-to try) their best to support every patient, they cannot attend to the high volume of 4_________ we are seeing these days. So, the best way to help is to respect social distancing rules by staying at home to prevent further 5________ of the virus so more people can receive the treatment they need.
(C) Health experts are still trying to 6__________ better, but many theories are emerging the more we (4-to know) about the disease. Some of them suggest that older people typically have less robust immune systems than younger people, either allowing the virus to overpower the body or making them more at risk of their immune systems (5- to overreact) and (6-to cause) severe inflammation and respiratory and organ 7_________.
(D) As we age, we are also less 8_________ at coughing and sneezing, (7- to make) it more difficult for us to clear the virus from our airways. The elderly are more likely to have lung problems or have accumulated lung damage over the years from pollution and 9________ which (8-to contribute) to respiratory failure or pneumonia.
(E) Bruce Aylward from the World Health Organization (9- to argue) that people tend to be dying from an “inflammatory process in the lungs as we saw with SARS, rather than an infectious process”. Aggressive immune responses (10- to tend) to be worse in people with 10________ health problems, especially those with hypertension (high blood pressure) and cardiovascular disease.

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The picture shows people watching a movie about a man riding a horse . People are interested , you can see it in their reaction.

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