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Например: I like sport- I don’t like sport

1. You go shopping on Saturday mornings. 2. It rains very often in summer. 3. Peter buys a morning newspaper every day. 4. The sun rises in the west. 5. I come to every lesson. 6. My big brother knows everything. 7. Some children like chocolate. 8. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 9. We go to the seaside every summer. 10. Dogs like cats.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Iget up at 6am. i wash my face and cleen my teeth at half past 7am. i have breakfast at 9am. then i dress up.at half past 10am i go at school. at 14pm i go at home. at 15pm i have lunch and feed my cat. then i do my homework. at 6pm i walk with my friends. at 11pm i go to bed. я встаю в 6 утра.я чищу зубы и умываюсь в 7 утра.я завтракаю в 9 утра.потом я одеваюсь.в 9: 30 я иду в школу.в 14 я иду домой.в 15 я и кормлю мою кошку.потом я делаю .в 18 я гуляю с моими друзьями. в 23 я иду спать.

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