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1) I know she doesn’t play the piano now but ... play

a) used she to
b) did she use
c) did she used to
d) did she use to

2) I didn’t have the book that she ...

a) like
b) likes
c) liked
d) has liked

3) She was supposed ... here in the evening

a) to be
b) be
c) was
d) been

!Объяснить выбор!
За бред баню

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)'' he doesn'tspeak french,''  said   mary and looked at me.

2) i promice i won't tell anybody your secret until you allow me to do it.

3) he said he would finish the report in two days

4) at our last excursion the quide told us a very beautiful legend about that castle

5) the boy came up to the policeman and asked him to show the way to the bus stop

6) '' what have you just said? '' the woman asked her daughter

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