Есть ответ 👍

2. Поставьте множественное число существительных в скобках, обращая внимание на слова-исключения.

1. Sara is feeding … (goose) in the garden.
2. … (fish) live in water.
4. I have 60 … (sheep) in my flock.
6. My … (child) hate cabbage soup.
8. My … (foot) always hurt after jogging in the park.
9. Those … (person) are waiting for the manager.
10. Where are the … (knife)?
11. Our … (sportsman) are the best!
12. How many … (woman) work in your office?
13. It’s autumn, the … (leaf) are falling down.
14. Let’s cut this orange into … (half).
15. We could hear … (deer) wandering in the forest.
16. There are … (mouse) in the kitchen.
17. Alice and I are wearing similar … (dress) today.
18. I need … (strawberry) for the cake.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:


1. Sara is feeding … (geese) in the garden.

2. … (Fish) live in water.

4. I have 60 … (sheep) in my flock.

6. My … (children) hate cabbage soup.

8. My … (feet) always hurt after jogging in the park.

9. Those … (people) are waiting for the manager.

10. Where are the … (knives)?

11. Our … (sportsmen) are the best!

12. How many … (women) work in your office?

13. It’s autumn, the … (leaves) are falling down.

14. Let’s cut this orange into … (halves).

15. We could hear … (deer) wandering in the forest.

16. There are … (mice) in the kitchen.

17. Alice and I are wearing similar … (dresses) today.

18. I need … (strawberries) for the cake.


Sheep,fish,deer -в множині не міняються

1) geese



6) children


9) people

10 knives

11 sportsmen

12 women

13 leaves

14 halves


16 mice

17 dresses

18 strawberries

Yes,i am./no,i ain`t. yes,she is/no,she isn`t. yes,he is./no,he isn`t.

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