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Complete the sentences with a relative pronoun. If you do not need to use a relative pronoun, write –.

0 That’s the girl who sang that amazing song.

That’s the girl – I met last week.

1 Isn’t she the singer _______________ album stayed at Number 1 for twenty weeks?

2 He’s the teacher _______________ entered the singing competition.

3 The 60s was a time _______________ new and exciting music was heard.

4 We’re looking at a picture _______________ they took from the Moon.

5 I don’t know the person _______________ you’re talking about.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Хз аоалудсладцдеомоалцлушмшвлвломшаьцоеолалвулмшлаулкшмшалуоокмшшвлуоушпшаоаовоуоуоуоагагаоулулвл плалаомлплклпопо


Объяснение бак

This time next month i will be sitting on a beach

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