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Task I. Put the words in the correct order.
a. the when shine does sun?
b. the during sun shines the day.
c. the moon shine the stars during the night and in.

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The history of great britain is long and very exciting. the  celts1  crossed over from europe to the british isles centuries before  the roman invasion2.the roman province in this areacovered3  most of the territory of present wales    and england. the romans  influenced  4the way of living, language and  culture greatly.in the 5th centure  the angles and the saxons (two germanic tribes)5settled6  in britain and occupied a very  vast7  territory. they were  pagans8.  christianity9  came to britain from rome in 597.  angeles and saxons  conquered10  against celts  during the 5th and 6th centuries a.d. these germanic conquerors gave england its name — «angle» land.in the 11th century normans  invaded11  britain. this invasion had a great influence on the life of britain. for example,  a feudal system  was imposed12  —   lords, barons who were french-speaking normans and the  peasants13  (the english-speaking saxons). so the english class system was built. at this time middle english   as a   language  dominated in england.during the 16th century the english monarch became very powerful. the tudor dynasty (1485—1603)  established14  a system of government. parliament  was split15  into two houses and compeletely depended on the monarch. but during the 17th century it was established   the supremacy16  of the parliament over the monarchy in britain. the conflict had happend and the  civil war17  began.   parliament won the war, the king  was executed18and oliver cromwell became the leader. but after his death this system of government was forgotten and the son of the king was returned to the throne.in the 18th  century  the industrial revolution19  started. many of people who had lived in the  rural areas20  moved to towns. the population of london became about a million.  in the next century britain governed one of the biggest world’s empire. it  was made up21  of canada,  ireland, india, australia and large parts of africa. they had  internal  22  self-government, but  recognized the authority23  of the british government. britain had a great economic power. the english spread their culture around the world.the 20th century was not stable. there were a lot of struggles for the rights: women, the working class. they became more powerful and stronger.of course, i have told you the main facts about the past of the country. there were a lot of   interesting events in briatan and you can read about them in special literature. vocabulary: celts —  кельты the roman invasion —  римское нашествие, завоевание covered —  покрывать/ занимать  influenced —  влиять/ воздействовать the angles and the saxons (two germanic tribes) —    и  саксы  (два племени) settle —  осесть  vast —  обширный pagans —  язычники christianity —  христианство conquer-  завоевывать invade —  вторглись/ напали/ захватили impose —  навязывать peasants —  крестьяне establish —  установить to be split —  быть расколотым  the supremacy —  верховенство civil war —  гражданская война to be executed —  быть казненным the industrial revolution —  индустриальная (промышленная) революция rural areas —  сельская местность to be made up —  состояла из internal —  внутренний recognized the authority —  признавать авторитет/ верховенство/ подчинялись власти

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