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Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t and the verbs in the list.
слова: put on | eat | stay | go out | invite | wear

0 You don’t feel well. You .... in bed.
1 We ... so many sweets. It’s bad for our teeth.
2 What ... I ... to the party tonight?
3 You look really cold. You ... a jumper.
4 They have a test tomorrow. They ... tonight.
5 ... we ... Jane and Rick to dinner

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

0. should stay
1. shouldn’t eat
2. should I wear
3. should put on
4. shouldn’t go out
5. should we invite

0. should stay

1. shouldn’t eat

2. should I wear

3. should put on

4. shouldn’t go out

5. should we invite





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