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Put the Verbs in the brackets in the correct forms

1. For many years scientists (to study) the nucleus before they found that it is possible to split it.
2. Many power stations (to use) atomic energy for a long time before I knew it.
3. All this period scientists and engineers (to develop) rocket technology and electronics in close cooperation.
4. We widely (to use) electronic devices in industry for many years.
5. We know that our astronomers (to observe) the moon for a long time.
6. My friend (to make) these experiments to compare the weight of elements since the first of September
7. The question about the new experiment on this subject (to discuss) for some time before we came to a definite conclusion.
8. The fact that atom has a nucleus in its center, which is positively charged, (to discuss) by Ernest Rutherford in 1911.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. if we launch an environmental project in our school, we'll draw students attention to ecological problems.  - условное предложение 1 типа.  - если мы внедрим (запустим) проект по   (проблемам) окружающей среды в нашей школе, мы привлечем внимание учащихся к экологическим проблемам.

2.  if we launched an environmental project in our school, we would draw students attention to ecological problems.  - условное предложение 2 типа.  -  если бы мы внедрили (запустили) проект по   (проблемам) окружающей среды в нашей школе, мы бы привлекли внимание учащихся к экологическим проблемам.

3.  if we had launched an environmental project in our school last year we would have drawn students attention to ecological problems.  - условное предложение 3 типа.    если бы мы внедрили (запустили) проект по   (проблемам) окружающей среды в нашей школе в прошлом году, мы бы привлекли внимание учащихся к экологическим проблемам.

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