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1. Выберете правильную форму глагола.
1. I …the university last year
a) had entered b) have entered c) entered
2. Be attentive! The teacher … the new rules
a) explains b) is explaining c) was explaining
3. Does he … English well?
a) speaks b) speak c) spoke
4. He usually … to work at 8 o’clock
a) has come b) come c) comes
5. We … from the university in four years
a) is graduating b) have graduated c) shall graduate

2. Выберете вс глагол для предложений.
1. Who helps him? – I …
a) have b) am c) do
2. I … translated the article yet
a) haven’t b) wasn’t c) didn’t
3. What are you doing now? - I … reading the text
a) has been b) was c) am
4. Where … you doing yesterday at 5?
a) had been b) were c) did
5. I … never been to Chicago
a) was b) have c) do
3. Выберите русский эквивалент английского Сказуемого
1. They have analyzed the sentence
а) анализировали б) проанализировали в) анализируют
2. We were speaking when he came
а) поговорили б) разговаривали в) говорим
3. He has been working for an hour
а) работал б) работает в) проработал
4. We’ll have done our work by 6.
а) сделаем б) будем делать в) сделали
5. We were invited to the party
а) пригласили б) приглашали в) были приглашены

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Ответы на вопрос:

Yes,i do/no,i don't. the most famous shops in my city are evroopt,berezki. i can buy there fireworks. i recommend buy products, drinks there.

Популярно: Английский язык