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Write the adjectives/Напиши прилагательные
sun –
rain –
fog –
chill –
2. Fill in the correct word./Вставь нужное слово. Предложение запиши полностью.

fly • taste • post • attend • buy • travel • stay • have • go • visit • spend

1. Anna decided to … around the world.

2.Do you know where I can … these letters?

3.She wants to … a performance at the theatre.

4.We always … the local food when we’re on holiday.

5.They are going to … sightseeing in the afternoon.

6.When Sue and Paul go on holiday they always … souvenirs.

7.When are you going to … to London?

8. She wants to … in a hotel.

9.We can … the museum this afternoon.

10.How are you going to … your weekend?

11.Why don’t we … a picnic.

3. Choose A, B or C for each sentence./ Выбери правильный вариант ответа. Предложение запиши полностью.

1.I ____ a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

A. am going to have B. am having C. will have

2.There’s a film on TV that I want to watch. It ___ in twenty minutes.

A. starts B. is starting C. will start

3.The weather is nice now. But I think it ___ later.

A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain

4.Tom is ill. He ____ to school tomorrow.

A. is not going to come B. is not coming C. will not come

5.What ___ to the party tonight?

A. are you going to wear B. are you wearing C. will you wear

4. Match the questions to the responses./ Соедини Во и ответ. Запиши кратко. Цифра-буква.

e.g. Could I have a glass of water, please? F A I’m sorry, you can’t.

1. May I close the window? ___ B Yes, that’s fine. It is a bit cold in here.

2. Can I use your camera? ___ C No way! You are always losing them!

3. Could I borrow your keys? ___ D Of course. We are glad to see you.

4.Can I have some ice-cream? ___ E I’m afraid we don’t have any left.

5. May I come in? ___ F Yes. Here you are.

5. Read the text and answer the questions./Прочитай письмо и ответь на во

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Ответы на вопрос:

i found out you won a scholarship to summer school.

i'm very happy for you

then be sure to tell all

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