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1.i... play the piano.

a) may b) can c) ought to

2. Her grandmother ... dance very well when she was young

a) is able to b) should c) could

3. They ... do this work tomorrow.

a) will be able to b) have to c) may

4. Where have you been, ... i ask?

a) may b) can c) must

5. Mother said that I... play.

a)can b) might c)may

6. We ... go for a walk every day when we do our home task

a) are allowed to b) need to c) have to

7. You ... not forget about your duties

a) need b) must c) may

8. She ... stay at home because she did not feel very well

a) must b) was able to c) had to

9. As we had agreed before, we ... to meet at two o'clock to go to the stadiun to

a) were b) were able c) had

10. They ... come if they do not want to.

a) need not b) are not able to c) are not allowed to


Fill in the modal verbs

1. ... i come in?

2... you translate this text into English?

3... i take this book? Certainly. but you ... not give it to anybody

4. They spent all the morning on the river bank. Only Ann ... return home

in the sun for such a long time .

5. It was Sunday and we ... not (to go) to school.

6. You ... not (to give) them any lunch. They can get cofive and sandwict

7. My advice is: You ...take the medicine 3 times a day

8. am sure, you ... (to solve) this problem tomorrow

9.Why did not you tell her the truth? You .... (do) it.

10. Students ... listen to the teacher at the lesson.

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Ответы на вопрос:

hello, I love holidays, but my favorite holiday is Halloween.

Oh very funny

I love when they give a lot of sweets


Популярно: Английский язык