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Hi sally! i did not know you were here. when did you come? - last friday. - so you will be here for a week, right? - yes, we are staying at the paradise hotel. when did you arrive? - last yesterday evening. i am staying at a guest-house by the sea. so what are you doing? - well, we swim every day. the beaches are so clean. - have you ever see the old temple yet? - yes, we went there on monday. it was realle fascinating. unfortunately, as we explored it jane slipped and trusted her ankle. - oh, dear! is she any better now? - much better, thanks. listen, have you got any plans for tonight? - no really. - why don`t you come with us to the beach party? we went to one a few days ago and it was great fun. they served delicious food and we danced till the early hours. - that sounds great! where shall i meet you?

Hello, mike! майк: . hi! д.: как ты? how are you? м.: отлично, а ты как? i’m fine, and you? д.: также. что ты сегодня делаешь? fine too. what do you do today? м.: да, вот думаю чем бы заняться. so, that i think what to do. д.: может, сходим на новую выставку автомобилей? maybe, let’s go to new exhibition of cars? м.: хорошо, когда открытие? ok, when does it open? м.: в 7. at the seven o’clock. д.: хорошо. ok. -, кет, ты сегодня будешь на моей вечеринке? hello, kate, will you be in my party? -, в честь чего вечеринка? hello, after which the party? -в честь моего приезда из испании! after my arrival from spain. -о, боже, я совсем забыла, извини, конечно, буду! oh, my god, i forgot, sorry, i’ll be of course! -а кто еще приглашен? and who is invited else? -лили, мери, дженни – ты их знаешь, и несколько симпатичных парней! lily, marry, jenny – you know them, and some sympathetic guys! -о, это будет весело! что с собой взять? о, it ‘ll be cool! what to bring with me? -да, , захвати, несколько банок колы и какой нибудь закуски: чипсы, например. yes, please, take some bottles of cola and a few snacks: cheeps, example. -хорошо, что смогу то и принесу. когда я могу прийти? ok, what i can, so i bring. when i can come? -с семи начинаем собираться. жду тебя. the start begins by seven o’clock. wait for you. -ок. хорошо.

The stairs lead to a door closed from the outside, but somehow, the thief ran through him. the first" museum of the workers accepted that the official photographer was shooting at the figures on the painting in his studio. day and night passed and the next day, they realized that the precious work of art was absent. it was the beginning of a huge international search for missing mona lisa. the only clue was the discovery of heavy frame of the painting, discarded on the stairs. there were in contradiction of the rumours in the newspapers; mona lisa was now in switzerland, south america, or in a small apartment in the bronx, new york. no one knew who really committed the crime and how

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