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Словообразование (преобразуйте предложения, используя различные суффиксы или приставки). Выпишите только полученные слова, выделите суффиксы или приставки:

1. It is (danger) to eat much sugar.

2. Ann`s (ill) was not very serious but it was (pleasant).

3. Doctors can` give us any (inform).

4. My cousin is going to learn (China).

5. What is the (strong) of this medicine?

6. Land (pollute) killed the animals.

7. The air in the room is (smoke), not fresh at all.

8. My dad could get rid of his (harm) habit of (smoke).

9. This is a (move) radio station.

10. I didn`t understand why Bob greeted me so (cold).

11. Mr Brown stood (speech) for several minutes, he was (simple) shocked.

12. She saw rows of (smile) faces in front of her.

13. The land was full of (known) dangers.

14. I was the (happy) person in the world!

15. I (like) people who are not honest with their friends.

II. Выберите и выпишите нужную грамматическую форму:

1. The number of obese people in the USA (is/are) growing.

2. Meg (will play/play) the piano at the party.

3. I (know/have known) Teddy all my life.

4. We (watched/were watching) TV at 6 p.m. yesterday.

5. How long have your parents (had/been having) this café?

6. She (has written/has been writing) her book since July.

7. We always (have been wanted/have wanted) to come to America. And now we (came/have come) here!

8. When our mother (will come/comes), we (will discuss/discuss) the problem.

9. Greg (has not bought/has not been buying) any food yet.

10. Little children shouldn`t live by (himself/themselves).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 isn't it  

2 isn't it

3 aren't they

4 wasn't he

5 weren't they

6 wasn't it

7  wasn't she


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