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Завершите предложения, используя Past Simple, Present Simple или Present Perfect
1) The pupil … (to write/already) his competition.

2) We usually … (decorate) our New Year tree with candles, lights and colored balls.

3) My grandparents … (find) an old box in their garden.

4) Russian students … (take part) in a new project last year.

5) Our football team (just/win) the match.
2 Завершите предложения, используя Past Simple или Present Perfect.
1) Bob … his work (to finish/ just).

2) The scientist … his article (to write/ already).

3) The children … their room (to clean/ yesterday).

4) My Mum … this film (to see/ recently).

5) I … London (to visit/ last year).
Выбрали правильную форму глаголов.
1) She usually … on Sundays.

a) go shopping b) goes shopping c) has gone shopping

2) He has already … his dog for a walk.

a) taken b) took c) takes

3) The child has never … the little rhino.

a) saw b) see c) seen

4) Usually the train … in time.

a) has arrived 2) arrived 3) arrives

5) My aunt has just … her best friend in the street.

a) met 2) meet 3) meets
Задавайте по одному во к каждому предложению
1. My brother hates cleaning his room.

2. Kate’s parents visited a lot of foreign countries last year.

3. The children have never done their homework.

4. Ann is listening to music and her sister is playing

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Ответы на вопрос:

They are eating apples. they ate apples yesterday.

Популярно: Английский язык