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КЛАСС. ОТ ЭТОГО ЗАВИСИТ АТТЕСТАЦИЯ подписать в этом упр в скобках у глаголов грамматические времена Pr S(=Present Simple)и отметить слова-подсказки(напр yesterday), если они есть.

I 1) am writing (write) to you from Hawaii.The hotel we 2) are staying (stay) in is amazing. It's very hot here and we 3) are having (have) a great time. Today, we 4) are (be) all at the beach. Right now, my sisters 5) are building (build) a sandcastle. Mum and Dad 6) have been playing (play) beach volley for over an hour and Giovanni, my brother 7) has just gone (just/go) diving with his friends. They 8) go (go) diving every day. So far, 9) try (try) windsurfing. It's really thrilling! We 10) have not done (not/do) much sightseeing yet but tomorrow we 11) are going (go) on a trip round the island.

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Надеюсь правильно :)

1) present continues
2) present continues
3) present continues
4) present simple (today)
5) present continues (right now)
6) present perfect continues (for over an hour)
7) present perfect (just)
8) present simple (every day)
9) present simple (so far)
10) present perfect (yet)
11) present continues (tomorrow )

1)fifth 2)big 3)kitchen,bathroom,hall 6) kitchen 7) comfortable 8)small

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