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Раскройте скобки. Английский

1. You (have) your dinner yet? Not yet. I (play) football for the last 3 hours.
2. Oh no, I (lose) my keys. My dad (give) me them every morning.
3. They don’t mind (speak) English.
4. My elder sister makes me (clean) our flat every day.
5. I’d rather (eat) something than be hungry
6. He’s looking forward to (travel) to the South.
7. We can’t imagine (live) without clean air.
8. She can’t help (cry) when watch dramas.
9. By 2050 all doctors (find) the remedy to cure serious illnesses.
10. I (drive) at this time tomorrow, I’m sure.
11. I don’t think Tom (pass) his English exam, he (not/study) enough so far.
12. I’m hungry. I think I (take) an apple.
13. He (must/can’t) do his home-work – too difficult.
14. You (must/have to) walk the dog every day, he needs the fresh air.
15. You (should/ have to) visit a vet if your pet is not good.
16. When (buy) that dress?
17. I (speak) with my friend, when the post-man came.
18. He asked who (wash) all the dishes.
19. Simon (break) his leg last month.
20. My Dad (read) the book, while I (cook).
21. If I were you, I (help) them
22. If my sister (come) last week, I (be) happy.
23. I wish she (travel) a lot last month – the weather permitted.
24. If she (not/work) more, she will fail her exams.
25. He told me he (wash) the floor in 2 hours.

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