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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
1 If we’d arrived earlier, we _______________ (get) better seats.
2 I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes if I _______________ (revise) more.
3 If they _______________ (be) more careful, the disaster would never have happened.
4 If I _______________ (know) you were in town, I would have arranged to meet for a coffee.
5 He _______________ (not become) Prime Minister if his parents hadn’t encouraged him.
6 We would have been on time if the traffic _______________ (not be) so bad.
2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences

1 Vera might/must be back before lunch time, but I’m not sure.
2 That can’t/must be the new student. I haven’t seen him before.
3 Italian can’t/could be that difficult if you can learn it so quickly!
4 The teacher mustn’t/can’t have the results already. We only took the test this morning.
5 Jackie can’t/must have a lot of money. She’s just bought the latest MP3 player.
6 Wait! That might/must not be the right CD. Look at the cover.
3.Complete the second sentence so it is similar to the first sentence.
1 I played football yesterday. Today my legs really ache!
I wish ______________________________. Today my legs really ache!

2 My younger sister eats her food so quickly. It’s not good for her.
If only ______________________________. It’s not good for her.

3 I haven’t got enough money for a taxi.
I wish ______________________________.

4 I’m not tall.
If only ______________________________.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 the same time

2 the first one

3 I have been

4 with the same

5 have been the most

6 letyou know what

Брот бай бот бот чоуз чуз чойзен кэйс кам кат кат кат ду дид дан дроу дру дроун динк дранк дранк ит эйт

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