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Переведите на английский язык:

1. Чем ближе зима, тем короче дни.
2. Чем больше мы читаем, тем больше знаем.
3. Чем раньше вы придете, тем лучше.
4. Чем длиннее дни, тем ближе весна.

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: 1. The closer the winter, the shorter the days.

2. The more we read, the more we know.

3. The sooner you arrive, the better.

4. The longer the days, the closer the spring.

1)the closer winter is,the shorter the days.2)the more we read, the more we know.3)the sooner you come,the better.4)the longer the days,the closer the spring

Iwill write told about the hare. the hare is a very good animal. hares mostly live in the forest. in russia there are such types of hares as: hare white hare and hare. in winter, hares change fur coat. in the summer, they are gray and in the winter they are white. i have seen hares many times.

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