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На месте ..... нужно вставите предлог
Complete the sentences with the prepositions
1.My sister looks......my dog when I'm away.

2.The financial reports were looked.......and some of them were chosen for the discussion.

3.The police was sent.......when she found a dead body in the room.

4.My girlfriend is very punctual. She is never late and waited.......

5.During the meetings different problems are discussed.......our managers.

6.His lectures are really boring, so he is never listened........

7.I didn't like the dish because it was made........raw vegetables.

8.The spectators were spoken........yesterday about their impressions after the play.

9.The churches in the villages are usually wooden. They are often built.......axes.

10.The famous play Hamlet with Benedict Cumberbatch is much spoken.......

11.After the break up she is trying hard to forget him. He is never spoken.......

12.The building was very unusual. It was designed.......unknown architects.

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вот это перевод но если хочешь магу даже ответы написать

2 KEY Read the texts again, Match each text to a statement. There is one statement you do not12 need

Популярно: Английский язык