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Найдите подходящую форму глагола. Перепишите предложения, записав подходящую форму глагола в предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Образец выполнения задания 1:

1. A)

We often write letters to our parents. (Present Simple) Мы часто пишем письма своим родителям.

1. By the time the train finally ____ in Santa Maria, I had come to several conclusions.

a) Had arrived

b) Was arriving

c) Has arrived

d) Arrived

2. The life of Dorothy and Patrick ____ immeasurably since they both got new jobs.

a) Had improved

b) Improved

c) Has improved

d) Have improved

3. Mark and Luis _____ about their anthropology teacher’s demanding reputation before they began the course.

a) Have heard

b) Heard

c) Had heard

d) Have listened

4. I ____ Dick since 2015.

a) Hadn’t seen

b) Didn’t see

c) Haven’t seen

d) Never saw

5. I ____ in a hotel until I find a flat.

a) Stay

b) Am staying

c) Stayed

d) Have stayed

6. I _____ that you are wrong.

a) Am feeling

b) Feel

c) Felt

d) Have felt

7. Charies ____ just like his father.

a) Looks

b) Is looking

c) Was looking

d) Have looked

8. I ____ to talk to you now.

a) Wanted

b) Am wanting

c) Have wanted

d) Want

9. People traditionally _____ coloured eggs at Easter.

a) Prepare

b) Are preparing

c) Have prepared

d) Were preparing

10. Excuse me, but _____ for someone?

a) Do you wait

b) Have you waited

c) Were you waiting

d) Are you waiting

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. my dog is very clever. моя собака умная 2. the ostrich is the fastest bird. страус самая быстрая птица 3. the giraffe has very long neck. у жирафа длинная шея 4.   i want to get a cat. я хочу завести кота  5   the crocodile is very dangerous animal. крокодил опасное животное

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