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Spell the words. 1. [wert] weight 9. [kof] 2. [igzæmm] 10. [list] 3. [kwikli] 11. [ni:] 4. [əubi:s] - 12. [priskraib] 5. [fnaf] 13. ['rəreik] 6. [stomak] 14. [sni:z] 7. [jauldă] 15. [medsn] 8. [Orəut] 16. [hel0
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So, i would like in this letter to tell you about an interesting event. when my mother and i rested on the sea, we enjoyed a wonderful sunny day by the sea, nothing foreshadowed trouble, but suddenly i noticed some kind of fish swimming in the water, but it was more usual, when other people noticed it, too panic, everyone started to climb out of the water onto the land and watched what this fish would do next. as it turned out, it was a shark. after a while, she swam back and was never seen again, and people continued to swim further in the water. for me it was amazing, because i had never seen such big fish! i was also scared, but fortunately i was at this time on land. after a wonderful holiday, we went home with great mood, but i will remember this amazing event for a long time.

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