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Выберите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
1) Metals rust when they (get/ gets) wet.
2) We can’t (play/ played) golf unless it stops raining.
3) You can’t go skydiving if you (are/ were) afraid of height.
4. Brian Potter (has been sandboarding/ sandboarded) for seven years.
5. I (was listening/ listened) to the radio when I heard the news.
6. Are you (doing/ done) anything after school, Jane?
7. It’s (rains/ raining), so we can’t go to the park.
8. We (don’t/ didn’t) enjoy the trip because the weather was bad.

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Ответы на вопрос:

When tom goes for his work by bus, he is never late. когда том ездит  на(его) работу на автобусе, он никогда не опаздывает.

Популярно: Английский язык