01.03.2022 10:20
Есть ответ 👍

на завтра нужно, не понимаю эту грамматику!!

1. Change the sentences into the reported speech.

1. "The concert finished at 4," John said.

2. "T've done my project already," said Alice.

3. ‘They are visiting Paris next week." said Charlie.

4, "He will be late," she said to me.

5. "We work ten hours a day," Charlie said.

2. Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.

1. Tell your classmates not to talk at the lessons.

2. Ask the teacher to come up to you.

3. Tell the boy to write the date on the blackboard.

2. Rewrite the sentences in direct speech.

1. Tell your classmates not to talk at the lessons.

2. Ask the teacher to come up to you.

3. Tell the boy to write the date on the blackboard.

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