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Задания 1-9:
Прочитайте предложения и преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
Задания 10-15:
Прочитайте предложения и преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.

1. Do you like puzzles? If you do, I think you____this one. (LOVE).
2. A man___into a hardware store and saw something he wanten. (GO)
3. He asked the assistant___price. The assistant told him it was one pound. (IT).
4. Then he asked the price for fourteen. He___by the assistant that it was two pounds. (TELL).
5. Next, he sked the price for 144. The assistant___reply that it was three pounds. (REPLY).
6. The question is: what was he buying? It___easy, because you have to think 'laterally'. (NOT/BE).
7. This means that you shouldn't just think logically. You have to consider strange situations. Some people are___at thinking laterally than others. (GOOD).
8. With lateral thinking puzzles, some people solve___very quickly, and others never find the answer. (THEY).
9. The answer here is that he was buying numbers that you put on a house to show the address. The firs number was 1, the second was 4 and the___was 4. (THREE)
10. Alex was alon on a smail island for more than four years. During that time, one of his biggest preblems was___(LONELY).
11. However, he was very___, and managed to build equipment and huts with materials he found on the island. (CREATE).
12. He___learnt which vegetables and berries on the island he could eat. (QUICK)
13. For meat and milk, he caught wild goats. However, one particular hunting trip was extremely___. He fell off a cliff and was badly injured. (SUCCESS).
14. He lay on the ground for almost a day, unable to move. He was___(HELP).
15. In February 1709, a ship arrived. Selkirk ran towards his rescuers with enormous___. Finaly, he could go home. (EXCITE).​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Everybody likes stories that take your breath away. (всем нравятся , которые захватывают дух); i have a friend who will not leave in trouble. ( у меня есть друг, который не бросит в беде ); your home is the place where we spend time with our family. ( ваш дом - это место, где мы проводим время с семьей ); best of all i like weekends when relatives are close. ( лучше всего мне нравятся выходные, когда родные рядом ); english is a language that everyone cares about ( язык - это язык, который важно знать каждому ); it's not easy to say why the world is so cruel to us. ( нелегко сказать, почему мир так жесток с нами ); do you know how to make scrambled eggs? ( ты знаешь как сделать яичницу ).

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