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Как изменения курсов валют могут сказаться на экономике нашей страны и на вашей семье?

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4,6(75 оценок)

1. mountain everest is the highest mountain in the world. 2. sherlock holmes was the best detective in london. 3. go and pick an apple from the nearest tree. 4. tokyo is the biggest city in the world. 5: rebecca is better than jane. 6. mrs brown is taller than mrs taylor, 7.1 think english is easier than french. 8. john is the worst  skier in the school. 9. this is the funniest joke i know. 10. cindy is the cleverest girl in the class. 11. my football socks are dirtier than yours. 12. i find french more interesting than history. 13. the new hotel is the most modern building in our town. 14. tony is the most intelligent boy in our class. 15; good health is better than money. 16. this is the most wonderful place for a holiday. 17. i find french more difficult than english. 18. karen is the prettiest girl in the class. 19. he is the ugliest man in the world. 20. the giraffe is the tallest animal in the world.

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