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I'played / was playing in a football match last weekend and a few things 2went / were going wrong. First, when I 'arrived / was arriving at the pitch at ten o'clock, I "discovered / was discovering that there was nobody there. Then I realised the match didn't start / wasn't starting until midday. I was two hours too early. While | waited / was waiting for everybody to arrive, it started raining and I'didn't have / wasn't having an umbrella. At last, the sun came out and the game "began / was beginning. I played for twenty minutes before I was injured. This is what happened. The score was 2-0 to the other team. Suddenly, I had a chance, but as 1 °ran / was running for the ball, I 10fell / was falling and 1"hurt / was hurting my leg. I stopped playing after that and we 12 lost / were losing the match 5-0.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i go to the gym at seven o'clock every day. 2. i go to the gym at seven o'clock. 3. john cleans his teeth every morning at 7.30 o'clock. 4. john cleans his teeth at a half past seven in the morning. 5. jane does english exercises every day. 6. his brother drinks coffee with milk every day. 7. her husband likes his job. he goes to his office by bus. he goes to the office at 9 am every day.

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