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Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.
welcome on board this British Airways flight to Rome. In a very short time, just as soon as we (1) (receive) permission, we (2) (take off). When we (3) (reach) our cruising speed of 550 miles an hour, we (4) (fly) at 35,000 feet. Our flight time today is two and a half hours, so we (5) (be) in Rome in time for lunch!
The cabin crew(6) (serve) refreshments during the flight, so just sit back and relax. We hope you (7)(enjoy) the flight. If you (8) (need) any assistance, just press the button and a flight attendant (9) (come) to help you.
If you (10)(look) out of the right-hand side of the plane, you (11)(see) Mont Blanc.
In a few moments' time, the crew (12) (come) round with duty-free goods. We(13)_ also_ (give out) immigration forms. When you (14) (fill) them in, please place them in your passport. They (15) (collect) as you (16)(go) through passport control.
In twenty minutes' time we (17) (land). Please put your seats into the upright position.
You are requested to remain seated until the plane(18) (come) to a complete standstill. Before you(19) (leave) the plane, please look around to make sure you (20)(not leave) any of your possessions behind you.
We hope you (21)(fly) again soon with British Airways.

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Ответы на вопрос:

i imagine the hobbits so hobbits have chubby belly, they are brightly dressed mostly in green and yellow, do not wear shoes because they have the legs on the nature of hard leather soles and thick warm brown fur, as well as on the head. only on the head it curly. hobbits have long dark nimble fingers, good-natured person, they laughed a deep laugh, uterine (especially after lunch, and dinner, as a rule, twice a day, if possible). "i think they are.


  я представляю себе хоббитов у хоббитов толстенькое брюшко; одеваются они ярко, преимущественно в зеленое и желтое; башмаков не носят, потому что на ногах у них от природы жесткие кожаные подошвы и густой теплый бурый мех, как и на голове. только на голове он курчавится. у хоббитов длинные ловкие тёмные пальцы на руках, добродушные лица; смеются они густым утробным смехом (особенно после обеда, а они, как правило, дважды в день, если получится)".мне кажется они такие.




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