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Choose the appropriate words in brackets ( выберете нужное слово)
June’s hair ___(is/are) very beautiful. I like ___ (it/them).
Robert wants to have __ (much/many) money.
Last week Mary broke one of her __ (fingers/toes) and can’t walk.
Your clothes __ (is/are) fashionable.
Where __(is/are) my new jeans?

Task 2 Read the text and fill in the table:( прочитайте текст, заполните таблицу)
Alexander and Rick are pen friends. They are both 13 but they are very different. Alexander lives in Irkutsk, in Russia and Rick is a New York boy. Alexander is quite tall, his hair is fair and his body is slim. He has bright blue eyes and a turned-up nose. Rick is not very tall, his curly hair is dark and short. Rick has dark eyes and a straight nose. Rick is quite strong and athletic. He plays a lot of football and baseball. He likes to listen to music. Rick’s family often travels and travelling is one of Rick’s favourite pastimes. Alexander is not as active as Rick. He likes quiet games; chess is his favourite. He is fairly good at drawing and painting and likes to visit the city picture gallery. Alexander’s father is very fond of fishing and he often takes his son fishing with him. The boy enjoys the quiet mornings that he spends on the river bank with his father. Both Rick and Alexander are friendly and kind boys. Alexander’s friends say that he is very reliable and hard-working. Rick’s friends like him because he is joyful and unselfish.







Task 3 Use can, can’t could, couldn’t must, mustn’t (вставьте нужный глагол)
Helen ____ visit her aunt every day and help her about the house.
The girl was very afraid of the dog and she ___ move.
Pupils ___use their mobiles at the lessons.
I know English well, so I __ understand the words of this song.
It is raining heavily. You ___ go out.

Task 4 Complete the sentences and translate them:( Вставьте слово и переведите предложение)
selfish, lazy, stupid, greedy, hard-working, reliable, honest, modest

An ___ person tells the truth and never steals.
A__ person is not interested in the wishes and feelings of other people.
You are ____. You can’t eat all this food.
Dad never says anything good about himself, he is very _____.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

Eyes:bright blue eyes
Body:slim and tall
Hobbies:drawing,painting,fishing,chess playing


4honest.Человек честный,когда он говорит правду и не ворует
selfish Эгоистичный человек не интересуется желаниями и чувствами других людей.
greedy Ты жадный.Тыне можешь съесть всю эту еду
modest.Папа никогда не говорит,что-то хорошее о себе,он очень скромный.

1. | didn’t see Ann, so | didn’t tell her about the party.

|f I had seen Ann, | would have told her about the party.

2. He was very tired last night so he stayed in.

If he hadn't been very tired last night, he wouldn't have stayed in.

3. She missed the bus because she left home late.

She wouldn't have missed the bus if she hadn't left home late.

4. They got wet because they didn’t take an umbrella.

They wouldn't have got wet if they had taken an umbrella.

5. We didn’t take any photographs because we had left the camera at home.

We would have taken photographs if we hadn't left the camera at home.

6. She went to the party and met a lot of new people.

If she hadn't got to the party, she wouldn't have met a lot of new people.

7.  The weather was great so we went to the beach.

If the weather had been great, we would have gone to the beach.

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