Есть ответ 👍

Упражнение 1. Вставьте сочинительные союзы в предложения: and,
but, or (перепишите предложения и переведите их)
1 He play football … he doesn’t skate.
2 He can’t ski … skate.
3 Do you like plums … cherries?
4 My brother is too small. He can’t read … write.
5 I lost my book. … Richard found it.
6 Newton was a great man … he was absent-minded (рассеянный).
7 George knocked at the door … nobody opened him.
8 I can visit my grandparents tomorrow …. at the weekends.
9 Sink … swim.
To be … not be?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. doesn't it

2. don't they

3. is not it

4. does not it

5. don't they

6. doesn't it

7. can't it

8. isn't it

9. don't they

10. can't it

11. doesn't it

12. isn't it

13. wont they

14.don't they

15. can they


Популярно: Английский язык