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Надо распределить слова в 2 столбика
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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: eggs - many, few, a few

Onions - many, few, a few

Meat - much, little, a little

Salt - much, little, a little

Milk - much, little, a little

Если есть ещё какие-то слова, напиши коммент, я там же отвечу


Под обьяснением


7.The astronauts’ mission involved to live in the space station for a month

8.In the film Armageddon, the heroes didn’t have much time to save saving the Earth from an asteroid.

9.Do you think it have likely that aliens will visit the Earth?

10.Ladies and gentlemen, the spaceship to Mars is takes off every Tuesday at 8

Можно корону и 5 звезд? =)

Популярно: Английский язык