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2. Открой правило в словаре, записывали на неделе. Раскрой скобки и поставь прилагательные в сравнительной степени. Запиши кратко.

1) This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ______________ (strong)

2) The room in the hotel was really big. I expected it to be _______________ (small)

3) The weather is too hot in this city. I’d like to live somewhere _______________(cool)

4) Your work isn’t very good. I know you can do ________________.(good)

5) My home task is a bit boring sometimes. I’d like to do something _________________.(interesting)

Открой правило в словаре, записывали на неделе. Раскрой скобки и поставь прилагательные в превосходной степени. Запиши кратко.

6) This is ____________ coffee I have ever tried! (strong)

7) It is the _______ church in my city. (old)

8) She is one of ______________ tennis players in the world. (good)

9) Everest is ______________ mountain. (high)

10) Russia is _______________ country in the world. (big)

3. Скажи, что ученик mustn’t or must делать.

Например: Study at weekends. - A student mustn’t study at weekends.

1) Be late for classes _______________________________________________________

2) Do the home work on time _________________________________________________

3) Talk at the lesson________________________________________________________

4) Miss classes____________________________________________________________

5) Be ready to answer the questions____________________________________________

6) Interrupt the teacher _____________________________________________________

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No,he didn't . думаю надо ответить так

Популярно: Английский язык