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Написати 6 речень зі структурою going to : ( що ви та ваша сім'я робитимуть на вихідних

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у мяне былі выдатныя выходныя. У суботту і восресенье я не сумавала. У суботту я паехала з бацькамі за горад, мы гулялі ў лесе, пяклі шашлыкі, весяліліся. Мне вельмі спадабалася, бо лес вясной вельмі прыгожы, у гэты час прачынаюцца многія жывёлы. У-агульным, я добра правяла свой час. А ў восресенье я хадзіла гуляць з сябрамі, мы паехалі ў парк Перамогі, каталіся на роварах, елі марозіва, мне вельмі спадабалася.

I had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday and Sunday I did not miss. On Saturday I went out of town with my parents, we walked in the woods, grilled kebabs, had fun. I really liked it, because the forest in the spring is very beautiful, at this time many animals wake up. In general, I had a good time. And on Sunday I went for a walk with friends, we went to Victory Park, rode bicycles, ate ice cream, I really liked it.

1. she sais that she couldn't find her bag 2. he said that they were working in the garden 3. she asked us when we got married 4. he said he would go shopping the next day 5. he said he had bought the car the previous week 6. she asked me to tell about myself 7. ann asked me if she could paint the house herself 8. he dais that he had put the washing in the washing-machine 9. tom asked me if a giraffe was bigger than a mouse 10. tom told jane not to be rude 11. he asked me how long i hadn't phined my uncle 12. the teacher asked to make up a sentence 13. the teacher said that he was studying for an exam then 14. they said that leaves fell from the trees in autumn 15. they said that they had visited the circus the previous weekend

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