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Выбери правильный ответ:
1. Don’t be late. The train ……… at 5 p.m.
A) lives B) is leaving C) will leave D) leaves
2. Lisa ………. Very well.
A) cooking B) is cooking C) cook D) cooks
3. ……. Washington is ………. capital of ………. USA.
A) a/a/a B) -/the/- C) the/the/the D) -/the/the
4. Harry is .......... than Jake.
A) the tallest B) tall C) talling D) taller
5. Yesterday at 6 o’clock Mary …………… a popular talk show.
A) watches B) watched C) was watching D) were watching
6. Mr. Walter ……….. German very well.
A) speaks B) speaking C) is speaking D) was speaking
7. Jane already ………… the souvenirs.
A) have bought B) has bought C) buys D) bought
8. She has been living in Paris for 5 years.
A) Present Continuous B) Present Simple C) Present Perf Cont

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. A

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. C

1. is she cutting out a pucture? 2. am i decorating my room? 3. are they making a mobile? 4. is father cooking a halloween treat? 5. are we carving a pumpkin?

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