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1. I’m sure you ____Know___ (know; are knowing; knew) as many funny but indecent stories about people who ___get____ (get; are getting; got) drunk as I do.
2. Alcohol _____change___ (change; changes; is changing) your behaviour and it ___changes______ (change; changes; is changing) your judgment of your behaviour.
3. If you __talk____ (talks; talk; will talk) much about the junk food, the cash bar, the retro music, it __get____ (gets; is getting; will get) around pretty soon.
4. The same hierarchy and protocol that __exists__ at work _exists___ (exist; exists; are existing) outside work, as well.
5. Your boss is still your boss and, whatever _happens_____ (happens; happen; in happening) at the party, you __going_____ (go; went; are going) to work for this guy in the morning.
6. Just because it’s the only thing you really have in common with these people, it __ doesn’t mean _____ (don’t mean; doesn’t mean; isn’t mean) anyone ___ wants____ (want; wants; is wanting) to continue the working day.
7. If you ___are excite________ (are excited; are exciting; were excite) about a big bonus you risk making those who ____ did not get _____ (do not get; are not getting; did not get) one jealous.
8. What if somebody at the party is friends with one of the people or worse, ___ is dating ______ (dates; is dating; dated) one of the people?

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