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Задайте во к словам в скобках:
1. Bob "was watching" tv when his dad came home.
2. His mom was ironing "at 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon".
3. It was raining hard "when we left home".
4. "Pete" was listening to music at two in the morning.
5. Jack was playing football "in the yard" when his brother called him.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. What was Bob doing when his dad came home?

2. When was his mom ironing?

3. When was it raining hard?

4. Who was listening to music at two in the morning?

5. Where was Jack playing football when his brother called him?

In england schools attend the secondary school between the ages of 11 and 16. they learn a lot of different subjects like maths,english,geography and art. children go to school during a week and have up to 8 lessons a day. they have a morning break of about 15 minutes and one-hour lunch break. most schools in england have a school uniform. usually it has the school's colours. a lot of pupils do activities after school. some are members of their school's football or hockey teams. other pupils are in the school choir or play an instrument in the orchestra.

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